Housekeeping/Household Support

We provide a helping hand at home for our service users, as we are aware that support with the range of household chores, (which does not include personal care), can significantly impact recovery.

Household Services

This service can be combined with the regulated activities of personal care, but having this support ensures that our service user’s recovery is not compromised, gives our service users the comfort and assurance that things around the home are taken care of, and not having to take on more work at home and the support needed is being provided. Here are just some examples of our regular housekeeping support:

  • Transportation & Errands Assistance

  • Befriending/Companionship

  • Technology and Digital Inclusion

  • Personal Safety & Life Skills Support

  • Appointment Coordination and Attendance

  • Assistance with Hobbies or Routines.

  • Reading and Writing Assistance

  • Garden Maintenance

  • Cleaning, Washing and Laundry.

  • Arranging Repairs and Maintenance