Staff Training and Support
Training and Development
We recognised that having an experienced, trained, and competent workforce is our chance of success. It makes all the difference. You can take comfort in knowing that our staff are trained to provide safe and responsive care, which includes as a standard, the comprehensive Mandatory and Statutory Training (MANSTAT) programmes, Care Certificates, and National Vocational Qualifications in Health and Social Care levels 2 to 5.
In addition, we provide a wide range of specialist training programmes, for example:
Oliver McGowan
Prader-Willi Syndrome
Mental Health
Positive Behaviour Support
Recovery Approaches
Basic Sign Language or Makaton
Intensive Interaction for People with profound and Multiple Learning Disability (PMLD)
Head-to-Toe Physical Health Assessments
Clinical Risk Assessment Management
Suicide Prevention
Staff Support
Supervision and Appraisal
Individual and Group supervision sessions
Reflective Sessions, and Debriefing, provided by trained mental health nurses and psychotherapists
Sharing-n-Learning Programmes
Team Building and Away Days
Director’s Surgeries
Board-to-Unit Visits
Out of Hours Management On-Call
Work-Life Balance Programmes
Employee Benefits Schemes